Friday, October 5, 2012

an expressive era of art

Gustav Klimt - a wonderful Austrian artist who's work I actually got to see in person at the Klimt Museum in Vienna, Austria. Before visiting I had never heard of Klimt, but at the museum his "Golden Phase" work immediately caught my eye. Detailed, colorful, and expressive are a few words to describe this era of art in Klimt's life. 

This phase lasted from 1899 - 1910, using gold leaf in a mosaic form. You may recognize one of his most famous called "The Kiss" seen below with a few more of my favorites. 

If you ever get the chance to 1. Go to Vienna - GO. It is by far one of the most architecturally beautiful cities I have ever seen. 2. While there - visit the Klimt Museum. His work is even better in person. My only regret is not purchasing a poster size print of one of his pieces. 


 <span class='fl'>Der Kuss 1908</span><a class='fr' href='/en/biography/1899---1910/details-klimt-der-kuss-1908.dhtml'>read more</a><div class='clr'></div>
"The Kiss"
<span class='fl'>Bildnis der Adele Bloch-Bauer I 1907</span><a class='fr' href='/en/biography/1899---1910/details-klimt-bildnis-adele-bloch-bauer1-1907.dhtml'>read more</a><div class='clr'></div>
Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I
<span class='fl'>Stoclet Fries - Lebensbaum 1905</span><a class='fr' href='/en/biography/1899---1910/details-klimt-stoclet-fries-lebensbaum.dhtml'>read more</a><div class='clr'></div>
"The Tree of Life"
<span class='fl'>Bauerngarten mit Sonnenblumen 1906</span><a class='fr' href='/en/biography/1899---1910/details-klimt-bauerngarten-mit-sonnenblumen-1906.dhtml'>read more</a><div class='clr'></div>
"Farm Garden with Sunflowers" 

I hope you've enjoyed his work as much as I. Stay Splendid! 

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